Saturday 5 February 2011

We're back!


Seiceed are back and we're going to be implementing some fantastic new measures to update all our profiles with all the work we do for our clients, so finally you can expect a lot of information to be filling our accounts.

As ever the articles from our clients might not be directly relevant to information you are looking for, but what we aim to do is create a live and dynamic online portfolio of work for our clients.

Any potential customers can view all the work we're doing in real time for our clients which excites us very much. We're all for live dynamic experiences in the cloud in 2011!

And I know we're a bit late but Happy 2011!
Sorry we've been away for a while but Seiceed have been working hard with clients and we're going to be implementing some great new things
Sorry we've not been around for a while but Seiceed have been working hard with clients!